
Hello, my name is Patricia and I’m an Addict…. a Crochet Addict, and I am so happy you are here..Welcome!

I have created this blog to chronicle my journey back to the art of crochet.I want to keep learning and teaching what I learn, won’t you join me? And don’t forget: “Practice makes Perfect”.

Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions or tips, I love hearing from you.

Contact information: daniellajoe5307@aol.com


  1. Megha Patel says:

    You are brilliant and extra extra extraordinarily creative! You are already an artist! If you haven’t had a book out on DIY projects or book on the work you do – well you better! I think you motivate many people with you creations and how you bring things come alive. haha You inspire me. Keep it up! πŸ˜€


    • thanks for your kind words Megha, I hope I can get you to crochet too after you finish writing your poems?? πŸ™‚


      • Megha Patel says:

        hahahaha! I have the hooks and everything! I keep tabs on you too for ideas. Every time I set out to crochet, I spend so much time trying to chain and I get no where :[ You have got this seed planted in my head, now the part where I have to try to nurture and properly grow it… I still have a lot of work on that <.< But all the amazing projects you have posted has build this urge inside of me to thank you for every single piece … thus the comment on your "about me" page ❀


  2. Haha! Love that? Crocheting addict! Lol
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great week, hugs Paula xxx


  3. Crocehting and I have never been friends, but your work is beautiful! Of all the addictions you can have, this one is a good one. πŸ˜‰ Thanks for following my blog.


  4. Love your masterpieces! Little junior is beautiful! It’s amazing! You are so talented. Thanks for following my blog!


  5. Hello! Thanks for the *like* on my Toilet Roll Jewelry, and also for the *follow*. I really appreciate it! I do love your blog – your lace is so beautiful. πŸ™‚ I do crochet and knit as well, but I am extreme in that i use very huge needles and multiple balls of yarn. I am not clever enough to do lace, hahaha! Nice to meet you, and I will follow back so I can keep up with your posts!


  6. Hello Patricia,
    Thanks for your responses on my blog. It is nice to meet you, another enthousiastic crocheter:)


  7. Being an addict can be totally positive! πŸ™‚


  8. Thank ;y;ou Patricia for the lovely ‘likes’ on my blog. πŸ™‚


  9. Thanks for stopping by our blog and “liking” the review of “A Most Peculiar Circumstance” by Jen Turano. Hope to see you again!

    I so admire all your work! I tried to crochet once…it’s hard! Or it was for me, I can cross stitch, but that’s about it. You have done some amazing things with your yarn and needles! Love them!!!


  10. Hi DaniellaJoe! I have been a fan of your site for quite some time and would like to present you with the Versatile Blogger Award! You can view more about this award here: http://littlefingersbigart.com/2013/09/10/little-fingers-big-art-just-received-the-versatile-blogger-award. Please accept the award and pass on the good will! Many thanks!


  11. Thanks for liking my giveaway post on Jen Turano. Make sure to leave a comment if you wish to be in the running for an autorgaphed copy of A Change of Fortune or A Most Peculiar Curcumstance. Best of Luck!!


  12. easycraftsforchildren says:
  13. Hi… Thanks for swinging by my blog and liking my recent post!


  14. Very beautiful stuff!


  15. I know you don’t respond to awards these days but I just had to include you so I’ve nominated you for the ‘Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!’ please regard it as an appreciation of your blog. You can view your nomination here:- http://rainbowjunkiecorner.wordpress.com/2013/08/08/catching-up-with-awards/


  16. hey there!

    Thank you for following my blog a few mths ago! I just wanna share with you that I have recently changed host (nearly died along the way πŸ™‚ ) and if you like, please come again to my blog and you can type in your email address as with the change in host from wordpress, new posts will not get delivered to your email address like the last time.

    So if you like posts to get delivered to your email address like the past, you have to type in your email again. It only appears in your reader now, so if that works for you, then it is ok.

    thank you


  17. creative pixie says:

    Hi Patricia
    I have nominated you for a blog award.


  18. Have just forwarded your blog address to a friend who loves crochet. I think she’ll really enjoy this x


  19. Wow, wow, wow, you’re super talented. I’ve been going through the pics on your blog and must admit that am enthralled. Well, I count myself lucky you dropped by my blog and the link brought me to your site. I wish I can do these thing too. But first, I have to do the basic: follow. Thanks, my good friend.


  20. Your commitment to crochet is admirable, and produces some beautiful results. Your work recalled pillowcases my mother had that were edged with crochet. Thanks for your visit and “likes” over at my site. That was nice of you. Best wishes in your artistic journey through crochet. I support the handmade. Your blog has a happy energy.


  21. Thank you for subscribing to my blog! On ‘SeeNorway’ you’ll find more than 1600 full screen photos from Norway, and new ones coming every week πŸ™‚
    Please enjoy!


  22. Your work is beautiful. I especially liked the armchair and the mugs covers. You are Patricia, why DaniellaJoe? The curious me had to ask πŸ˜‰


  23. Hey! I nominated you for a Liebster Award. Please don’t feel obligated to respond. I just wanted to help draw attention to your beautiful work!


  24. crochetwithpassion says:

    Hi! I have enjoying reading your blog so I nominated you for several awards. Find out details here:


  25. Hi,
    I am pleased to let you know that you won my Giveaway.Please let me have your address and I will post you a lovely box of treats!
    Congratulations! Cathy x


  26. Oh my goodness, you are so talented! Delighted that you found me so that I have found you! πŸ™‚


  27. mysterioussmysteries says:

    I meant to leave this with you the last time i posted. http://tigerscraftycrafts.wordpress.com/ This one is actually my craft blog. πŸ™‚


  28. Thank you so much for stopping by my place! Although I am hopelessly addicted to quilting, I do crochet (and knit and needlefelt and weave and…and….well, you get the picture) and I do feel that it is such a fluid, exquisite artform! Your blog is awesome and look forward to catching up with all that you have done and are doing now. Glad our paths crossed, Patricia! Hugs, Doreen


  29. mysterioussmysteries says:

    Hey I’m curious about the Big pineapple doily how many skeins of thread did it take for you to make it?


  30. The crocheting that you are doing is beautiful. I love the old-fashioned crocheted items.


  31. Thank You visiting my blog and leaving Your nice comment there. My wife is occasionally knitting, but she has

    Beading as hobby.


  32. Thank you for stopping by our blog Patricia and I’m enjoying snooping at your beautiful creations. I think I better stick to preparedness and disaster stuff since I’m so “sew” challenged! πŸ™‚ Have a great day and happy Easter, j (Janet)


  33. Thanks for sharing your great tutorials, and your beautiful work with crocheting. http://projectsbyMtetar.wordpress.com Be Blessed!


  34. Hi Patricia
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m glad you liked my post on “what’s for dinner?”
    You have a lovely blog – very professional, and your passion shines through.


  35. Hello thank you for liking my post on the Beaded Candle Holder! Your blog has many lovely crochet patterns. Your tutorials seem very informative and in depth; I haven’t tried any yet but I can see how attractive they are!


  36. Your crocheting is beautiful Patricia, I’m a lefty but still greatly enjoy crocheting myself! πŸ™‚


  37. I have decided to award you the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ award. (Since I can πŸ™‚ )You can find the details on my blog:- http://rainbowjunkiecorner.wordpress.com/2013/01/13/blog-of-the-year-2012-award/
    Thank you for all the pleasure I have had from reading your blog this past year.


  38. Congratulations I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! if you feel like you can accept, head over to my site to have a look at what you have to do and remember to copy and paste the award onto your own blog.


  39. Hi Patricia, thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Have a wonderful weekend


  40. nominated you for sunshine award. x


  41. I’ve just nominated you and your wonderful blog for the Blog of the Year Award 2012. You can see the nomination here http://iggandfriends.wordpress.com/2012/12/19/another-award/. And you can find the rules here! http://thethoughtpalette.co.uk/our-awards/blog-of-the-year-2012-award/


  42. SO nice!!! I’m trying to knit!!!! Kisses


  43. I’ve just nominated you for the Liebster Blog award! Enjoy!


  44. Thanks for popping in to my blog, yours is great. Xx


  45. I admit it – I’m addicted too! Maybe we should start Crochet Anonymous? =D


  46. I find your crochet very inspirational. Thanks for the like on my blog.


  47. I’m nominating you for the Beautiful Blogger award because I think you are a beautiful blogger πŸ™‚ See here:- http://rainbowjunkiecorner.wordpress.com/2012/09/17/another-award-beautiful-blogger/


  48. Nice work…I don’t think I am up to that project yet…but it is inspiring


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