I am totally not able to work with the few hours I have left for crafting and blogging. I have tried several different ways and I have come up short every single time. 

I will finish the Road Trip aka Crochet Along but I really need more time, I think you know how I feel, right? It’s horrible when you can’t relax with Hook and Yarn (my favorite pets) every single day….

I haven’t touched it in a full week, but I will add few rows soon, I promise 😔

Well, thanks, for understanding. I didn’t get to celebrate my little Blog’s birthday either which is a shame, but it will still happen.

I have no idea how I’m going to keep blogging and crafting but:

We will see…. Have a better time than me okay?!


  1. Happy blog-B-day, Patricia! 🙂 Blogging does have a way of monopolizing our would-be crafting time :-/ Yet fret not and it’ll work out somehow… 🙂 💜 Jackie@KWH


  2. That type of limbo is always such an uncomfortable place to be. I’ve been there several times, and I’m sure I’ll be there again. But it does pass, so just hang in there. And Happy Birthday to your blog!


  3. Hi, just hang in there, it will change again. It always does. 🙂 Keep smiling, and carry a hook and yarn, just in case that few moments show up when you can craft.

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  4. Sorry to hear you are finding it hard to find time for crafting. Don’t feel bad about it. Life can be like that sometimes but I expect things will change one day.


  5. Happy Blog Birthday! There’s been plenty of times that pesky old life has gotten between me and my hook. Cheer up and don’t sweat it – everything will be right exactly where you left it just waiting for you to pick it back up again. 🙂

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