I have always loved books, when I was small and even now as a full-grown adult,  a brand new book is like One Of My Favorite Things.

I love going into bookstores and libraries where I can literally spend a full day in there and not even know it…… when I was younger and without a care in this world 🙂

Now, when I go into a bookstore, the first thing I do is check what time it is, then I enjoy the smell of new books and then I smile and choose a book or a full section of books and take my time to see what new world I can discover….

Books are fun and I have met lots of writers and book lovers in Cyberspace and it is always delightful to interact with them.

The writers I prefer the best are the ones, that keeps me  riveted,  where I don’t want to “leave” and If  I have to leave (close the book please) I tend to keep that book close so I can pick up where I left off.  I have a feeling most of you know what I am talking about….. I know you do 🙂

So, today I want to show you some crochet book covers you can make for yourself or to give to a book addict as a gift.  That way they can enjoy the whole experience of owning their very own book covered in crochet,  come with me please…

Image result for crochet book cover Image result for crochet book cover

Image result for crochet book cover

Image result for crochet book cover 

This is another gift idea for our Christmas List. This project shouldn’t take too long to make and I guarantee it will put a big smile on a Book Lover’s face.

This is all for today TGIF, Enjoy a great weekend….See You Soon…

all images are from google